To advance my knowledge of architectural visualization and the field in general.
I have knowledge of Architecture, Calculus, Physics, & Surveying. Adept with Designing,
Site Models, Visualization, Information Organization, Problem Identification,
Reading Comprehension Skills, English Vocabulary and Grammar...
New Jersey School of Architecture
NJIT – University Heights
Newark, NJ 07102-1982
Magna Cum Laude May 2008
Ocean County College
College Dr., P.O. Box 2001
Toms River, New Jersey 08754-2001
Class of 2001
Degree attained - Assoc. in Science, Major in Civil Eng.
Point Pleasant Borough High School
Laura Herbert Dr., Pt. Pleasant, New Jersey 08742
Class of 1997
Work / Experience
March 2008 - present ——————— Nastasi Architects ——————— (201) 653-2577
Hoboken, New Jersey

Intern Architect
• Surveyed and documented sites, translated into plans/models.
• Detailed design-development and construction drawings.
• 3D advanced models, photometric renders, animations for client review.
• Pricing and acquisition of materials, sub-contractors.
Summer 2007 ——————————— Studio1 Architects ——————— (201) 610-0683
Hoboken, New Jersey

Architectural Intern
• Surveyed and documented sites, translated into plans/models.
• Detailed design-development plans, sections, elevations.
• 3D models, renders for client review.
March 2005 calvert wright architecture pc | spatial discipline (212) 475-3531
October 2006 —————————— The Simplicity Group ——————— (866) 440-2532
Manhattan, New York

Freelance Architectural Work
• Documented and recreated historic district masonry façade; successful penthouse & commercial storefront proposal to bank/client; site documentation, elevation photo-montages, detailed CAD plans.
• Designed entry for commercial townhouse on Madison Ave.
August 2001 - August 2005
Thomas J. Ertle & Assoc.
(732) 370-0909
• Prepared working plans and detail drawings from rough or detailed sketches and notes for land surveying and engineering purposes according to specified dimensions.
Used computer-assisted drafting (Terramodel & AutoCAD) equipment and software.
Honors / Awards
• Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture from NJSoA.
• 2006-07 NJSoA Mentorship Program at NJIT, Newark, NJ
• Dean's List at NJIT (maintained at least 3.0 GPA in all classes) from Fall 2003 to present.
• Selected to display a project board in NJSoA Design Showcase 2006 + 2007
• Recipient, W. David Tranger Scholarship
• Participant, “Conqueror of the Hill” Competition, Stevens Institute of Technology
Architecture, civil & structural engineering, auto enthusiast, music, photography, scratchbuilding model ships, pastel and pencil sketching, digital art.